We’re about to begin not just a new year, but a whole new decade. What better time to give yourself a clean slate and prepare for the next year to be your best year yet? Here are five things you can do now to pave the way for a phenomenal 2020.
- Reflect
Sit down in peace and quiet (you know, those glorious four and a half minutes you manage to squeeze into your day before someone needs you for something) and think about the past year. Really think about it; the good, the bad, and the ugly. What was awesome? What was not so awesome? What challenges did you encounter? What goals did you achieve? What progress have you made towards any unmet goals? What would you have done differently? What did you totally rock?
As we all know, history tends to repeat itself. Reflecting on the past year can help us be intentional about repeating the good stuff and be proactive about avoiding or overcoming the not-so-good stuff.
- Create Your Vision and Set Goals
I’ll be honest, setting specific goals is not my thing. The “SMART” acronym for goal-setting (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-sensitive) makes me anxious. Instead, I like to think of goal-setting as envisioning what/where/who I want to be and putting action steps in place to get there. There are two ways I suggest doing this:
- Write it Out
Choose your time frame; one year from now, five years from now, ten years from now. Feel free to pick one and then repeat with a time frame closer or further out. You might find it helpful to start with the bigger picture and then hone in on the upcoming year, or you might just want to really focus on 2020; it’s up to you. Let’s say we’re just focusing on the next year. What do you want your life to look like as you begin 2021? Write down everything that comes to mind. Try not to think about it too much or filter your thoughts. Just get it all down on paper.
- Make a Vision Board
Do the same thing, but instead of writing it down, find images and/or words and phrases in magazines or printed from the internet (or draw them yourself if you want to get artsy with it!) that reflect that vision. Attach them all to a piece of posterboard and hang it somewhere in your home as a visual reminder. Want to carry your vision wherever you go? Create a photo collage and save it to your phone, or use an app like Visuapp (bonus: this app also includes meditation reminders and affirmations, if you’re into that sort of thing).
Now that you have your vision, identify a few action steps you can take now to get just a bit closer.
- Practice Gratitude
Set a timer for five minutes. Write down all of the things you can think of that you are grateful for from the past year. Don’t just write down the big things like your family and health; be sure to write down all of the small things you can remember, like the time that stranger paid for your Starbucks or the night your kid ate all his veggies then took a bath and went to bed without a fight. Let this be the beginning of a daily habit of writing down a few things you’re grateful for each day. Soon, gratitude will become second-nature.
- Purge
I confess, keeping a spotless home has never been a priority for me. But clutter does bother me. We just have so much stuff. So much useless, unnecessary stuff. The beginning of a new year is a great time to purge your home of all the clutter. Throw away the junk. Bag up all the clothes no one wears anymore and give them to a non-profit organization so someone who needs them can have them instead. You know, like all the 2T clothes that belonged to your now five year-old, or the jeans in the back of your closet that are three sizes too small but “might fit someday” (let’s be honest, if you lose three jeans sizes, you’re gonna want to go shopping for all new stuff anyway). Hint: Be on the lookout for an upcoming article on where to donate your clothing and other items!
- Plan
I’m a total planner nerd. Writing events, birthdays, to-do lists, etc. in a good old paper planner makes me obnoxiously happy. Even if you don’t feel quite so strongly about planners, now is the time to plan ahead in whatever way works for you. Make note of important birthdays and other dates for the year, events you’ve already got planned, and be sure to factor in something fun to look forward to, especially if you’re feeling a little down during the cold, dark winter months. Maybe start planning a family vacation, or check out our calendar of events and pencil in some local family fun!
Looking for a great planner?
My favorite (it’s pricey, but totally customizable): Plum Paper
A more affordable option with lots of fun add-ons: The Happy Planner
Above all, remember...you got this! The next year has the potential to be whatever you want it to be. Make it happen!